
Over the years I have done much searching: researching, soul-searching, searching for knowledge. Though I have read many books and visited many sites, there are a few works that have and continue to inspire me. I recommend them for various reasons, the most universal being to learn about yourself and the world around you. This page will be updated as I discover new and inspiring works, or revisit old ones. Happy Reading!


Great Reads:

Numerology and the Divine Triangle

 Bunker, Dusty, and Faith Javane

Schiffer Publishing, 1979

Strikingly accurate, you will learn much about yourself, or at the very least something interesting and new when you read this book. By using the formulas provided you can find truths about your inner and outer self, your life’s purpose, and even what your vibrations are for the month! Much like astrology, this information can be a great reminder to stay on track and what to look out for when planning the next stages of your life.



 The Alchemist (25th Anniversary Edition)

Coelho, Paulo

Translated by Clarke, Alan R. HarperCollins Publishers, 1993

An understanding of life situations and circumstances can be brought forth when you read this book. We can often look back and see how things we didn’t understand at the time now make sense to us. In maintaining this state of thought, we can be more hopeful and positive for the future though we may not completely see how things will unfold at a particular moment in time. Follow your heart and intuition; that is faith.




Conley, Dalton

 Vintage Books, 2001.

My favorite part about this book was how through the author’s experience the true contrast between the Haves and the Have Nots is described; not simply in terms of money, but in what matters to them, the differences in their thinking, prioritization of personal gain over material gain. This read reiterated how unimportant material gains are as well as how many people try to keep up with the Joneses rather than fortifying themselves first.



 Complete Guide to Pilates, Yoga, Meditation & Stress Relief

Parragon, 2003

This is an incredible resource that is perfect for beginners and even some intermediates. It provides meditations that are simply and easy, yet powerful and memorable. The stress relief methods are also awesome and easy to do just about anywhere, and just about anytime. The yoga and pilates poses (as well as everything else int his book) are covered well with pictures, and definitely great for those who are starting out. All around, this is a great book that will likely be a go-to/must-have for many years.



Savage Inequalities: Children in America’s Schools

 Kozol, Jonathan

HarperCollins Publishers, 1991

Though we are coming to see the deficiencies in America’s educational system more and more, this is a read that will open your eyes to exactly how those who have the ability to make a difference can so coldly disregard those in need. What was even more disheartening was hearing of how efforts to improve certain  conditions were only made when more privileged children were brought in to underprivileged communities, or when atrocious conditions would be discovered and expose those truly responsible. People can often be like that, only changing their behavior when it is exposed though they know it is wrong from the beginning.

The seemingly blatant and intentional disregard for our nation’s most innocent citizens, our children, will quite possibly leave you mortified, but hopefully with a better understanding of how our educational system really works. After reading this book I became committed to teaching my child to think for herself, for it became even more clear that she would be taught to fall in line if left to know only what she is taught in school.


Also, check out these websites: has a wealth of information on topics you might not find in mainstream media, all in one place. I’ve used this site to learn more about herbs and smudging, but there is so much more. Topics ranging from Astrology to the Zapotec Civilization can be found here making it a great resource for the curious mind.

With great meditations and interesting information,  Cameron Day’s is a great resource for those who want to get more information about the matrix and how to initiate self-cleansing, once they are ready to embark on a more serious journey towards their higher purpose. I have found it so helpful.